Aye, this is how the rot sets in. You don't post anything for a couple of weeks and before you know it, the month's almost gone. Blink again a year's passed and people are waiting in breathless anticipation to see what's been happening to the weans. Well, it's easy. Nothing that's what.
Ewan's gone through the pride in breaking his arm and the boredom at not being allowed to do anything in case he breaks again. Now he's waiting to get the stookie off so that he can get out and play on his new bike. It has gears and everything. A proper bike. Yes, it's bonus time again in the private sector. Nothing like a banker's bonus round here but enough to get the boy a bike, me a lens for my camera and Mandy an iPad when they are available. Nothing for Ellen. To be honest, she's not been pulling her weight and, you know, bonuses have to be earned. It's a tough lesson but needs to be learned. Even at two.
Actually, it's not true that she got nothing. She got chickenpox, which is grand on two counts (a) it gets it over and done with. It seems to be milder when they're wee and (2) I get to take photos of her spotty face and post them on the internet. This I will now do: the cherubic before and the festering after (click to see them in their full g(l)ory).
Here's her and Ewan having a fight over Spongebob Squarepants.
Happy now?