Aye, it's the moment that every parent longs for when their child utters those three magic, life-changing words. No, not "I love you" or any sentimental pish like that. She's too young and hardly knows me and anyway she's hardly qualified to judge. At two they love you in spite of your flaws. That'll all change soon enough.
No, the three magic words are, "Ellen need toilet" and with those words a life where you no longer need to scrape crap off a child's bum suddenly appears on the horizon and starts racing towards you. Happy days.
In other news, I put my lardy arse on my bike for the first time since I went to Jura with that Jim Glass. Mind, not outside. Weather's too miserable from that. Indoors, with the training bike. Only 15 minutes and then I was bored stiff and my feet were sore in those clip-in shoes. Still, it's a start and as soon as civil twilight allows, I'll be back to biking to work. That means 15th Feb for going to work and 24th for coming home.