Anyway, as I was saying before Typepad rudely lost my previous typing: my weeks these days are split between the work days and the non-work days. Interesting things only happen between Friday lunchtime and Sunday night. Friday morning has some potential since I don't need to drag my arse into Edinburgh and this week I finally got round to using part of Mandy's Valentine's pressie - a wee frying pan for making heart-shaped things (the chocolate disappeared instantly). I suspect they had something sweeter and more romantic in mind but I think it's just made for a cholesterol-choked fried egg (on homemade sourdough natch).
Was off work sick on Thursday, finely catching the cold that the kids have been carrying around for weeks. I don't want to think that my decision to cycle to work on Monday, in spite of my spectacular level of unfitness, had anything to do with my snotting into work on Wednesday and collapsing on Thursday. Pure coincidence. But the day of nothing and sleeping was good and by Friday a.m. I was OK for the usual working from home.
Friday afternoon was a long-planned paddle with Jim in prep for our weekend of supervised paddling on the Tweed at the end of March. The original Ratho plan had to be slightly modified because the canal was pretty frozen up so we drove to Linlithgow and paddled around there for a while. Jim did a good job of holding a reasonably straight line.
Saturday finds the Crew off on a suicide bombing mission - err, no - a walk round the Queen Elizabeth Forest Park. The balaclava has a dinosaur on it - not some sacred text. And actually, since you're asking why Mandy's lugging the wee lump, Ellen spent most of the time on MY back but no one takes photographs of me being the family donkey.
Still, it only took about half an hour before Ewan started complaining of being too hot (true - we were all dressed for canoeing - there was two canoes on the car) and having sore legs (click on that photo and check the face). Games - I Spy (or the app iSpy or if you need therapy iPsy) and When Johnny Went Holidays - kept him going until Ice Cream.
Best photo of the day - Ninja Boy! Before the sore legs took over.