Aye, we had Gerry and June for the weekend so as is usual when they're around, the weekend has largely been about eating and drinking. Managed to get out for a walk round the estate. Here's Gerry and the wee lad out on his bike for the first time in ages, with Mandy and June in the background.
Saturday night saw us at the scout hall for a gala quiz night. It goes without saying that we won although not before the prize had been awarded to another team. They "scored" 94 out of a possible 90. Eh? Aye. Genuine error.
Toiling today after much drink and a late night. Four hours sleep I got seeing as it was my turn to get up with the weans. Ellen was up at 7 but was very amusing squeezing herself into a wee cardboard box for a sit. Cracking hair.