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Enid Blyton: The Circus of Adventure
As you know, I'm not one to criticise but this series is getting a little predictable and repetitive. Guess what: the children went off on their hols and are now embroiled in an unexpected adventure involving foreigners. A bit of a rum do, I'd say. Rather!
Allan Ahlberg; Janet and Allan Ahlberg; Janet Ahlberg; Allan Ahlberg Janet; Ahlberg: Burglar Bill
Aye, we've been here before but it's Ellen's turn now. Great book.
Enid Blyton: The Ship of Adventure
Let's see - it goes like this. Children set off for a perfectly straightforward holiday under the supervision of a responsible adult. Suddenly some swarthy foreigner appears and before you know, they're in trouble. With pluck and intelligence the baddies are thwarted. What these kids need is the Mystery Machine.
Enid Blyton: The Mountain of Adventure (Adventure Series)
It's just not plausible to have these kids saying that they won't get into any scrapes when the books are all called The xyz of Adventure and in each previous book getting into a scrape is exactly what they did. It doesn't take a genius to make the link. Jesus, Enid, a bit of realism.
Enid Blyton: The Sea of Adventure (Adventure Series [3])
Aye, we're working our way through the whole series. That Lucy-Ann fair gets on a person's wick though.
Julia Donaldson: The Gruffalo
Oh help, oh no! Aye, there's very little to match the wee mousy adventure and doesn't the wee lassie like to listen to it day, after day, after ... (*****)
Enid Blyton: The Valley of Adventure
Aye, good old Enid. She spins a spiffing yarn of childhood adventure, which I have to say, fair captures the attention of a small boy. (****)
Roald Dahl: Matilda (My Roald Dahl)
After the Birdman, it's on to Matilda although I worry about the effect on the boy's self esteem. This lassie's only four and reading Chaucer and Ewan's five and reading Bingo and the Bone.
Andrew Davenport: Too Much Pinky Ponk Juice! ("In the Night Garden")
Not that Ellen actually reads books or will even sit still long enough to have one read to her but she does like to look at this one, fold the pages in half and sometimes tear them. But it's the start of a long relationship with books.
David Almond: My Dad's a Birdman
Ewan's second time round for this touching story of how Lizzie helps her dad get over his depression after the death of his wife. They enter Mr Poop's birdman competition.
I Am ... Sasha Fierce: Platinum Edition
Beyonce: I Am ... Sasha Fierce: Platinum Edition
Aye, me and Ellen had a wee dance around the kitchen today thanks to Spotify. The video on YouTube's a hoot with the Pan's People dancing.
The Winter of Mixed Drinks
Frightened Rabbit: The Winter of Mixed Drinks
Aye, more nervous bunnies. Fine tunes though not listened properly
I come from a broken home
Gil Scott Heron: I'm New Here
Aye, a poet.
Heligoland: Limited Edition
Massive Attack: Heligoland: Limited Edition
Aye, the Bristol trip-hopsters have got another album out. Trouble is I think they need proper vocalists: Tricky, Tracy Thorn or Elizabeth Fraser to really make the music more than ordinary.
The E.N.D
Black Eyed Peas: The E.N.D
What can I say, Ewan actually likes this one and I so believe that Wyclef Jean didn't nick any of that money.
Midnight Organ Fight
Frightened Rabbit: Midnight Organ Fight
Once upon a time The Proclaimers' accents were to be mocked. Now it's compulsory to be fully regionalised. Just like the news. And if you can throw in some bad words, so much more rock and roll.
Delphic: Acolyte
Some might say there's a certain reminder of New Order on a good day. Some might be deaf. Still, sounding like New Order's hardly a bad thing.
Radiohead: Creep
Actually, it's the video of the acoustic version on Youtube that he loves.
Fifi And The Flowertots:
Well, not actually an album (thank God) but Ellen is continually pressing the button on one of the most wearing, soul destroying TV tie-in toys ever assembled in a sweatshop in the far east.