Aye, the wee man's taken charge of a wee digital camera and has started producing his own works of art
Actually, this one is entitled "Flat Egg". It's a statement about the place of man within the universe. "Flat" is, of course, a reference to the ancient flat earth understanding of the Earth as a flat circular plate. The runny yolk of the flat egg, waiting to be punctured, is clearly an analogy to the sun, centred on the earth and providing light and warmth.
In this image, the bap represents the universe, placing the flat egg in a pre-Copernican universe, where Earth (and Man) were at the centre of a universe created by God. Being wholemeal, the speckles of grain represent the millions of stars lighting the night sky, floating in the doughy dark matter that makes all those quantum physics things work.
The "egg" is, of course, a reference to the true nature of the earth as an oblate spheroid. The contradiction in the concept of "flat egg" is sublime, at once calling back to our primitive understanding and yet also acknowledging the true nature of existence.
The Robots plate, clearly looks to the future. What's that, more wine? Yes please.