Young Bob's got out of his pram and taken to two wheels instead
Aye, a regular Lance Armstrong, with the cycling and pasta-munching. Though I don't think Lance takes his stuffed tiger on the road with him. But he does do his own pedalling, unlike our boy. Unfortunately for me, Bob's two wheels are firmly attached to my two wheels and he doesn't do any work at all. Between him and the trailer that's an extra three stone for me to haul around! As if I don't have enough extra weight to drag.
Mandy's taken to the cycling too and sports a fine melon-head helmet. Aye, those cycle paths can be awfully dangerous, especially the smooth empty tarmacadammed ones around the historic village of Culross here in the ancient kingdom of Fife. And you'll notice there's no wee boys hanging off the back of her bike! Still, there's a fine pub just off the cycle track where a nice pint can be enjoyed. That's what I like about cycling - get as drunk as you like and still cycle home! And environmentally friendly too.