Mandy's just back from the Parents' evening at Ewan's nursery. He got his first report card and it's enough to make any Dad's heart swell with pride.
Aye, he's got an 'A' in Playing With Sand, an 'A' in Not Falling Over Things Lying On The Floor and an 'A' in Being Cheerful. We're thinking we might need to get him a tutor in risk assessment cos then if he made good progress he could maybe get an NVQ in Sliding Down The Chute Without Scuffing Your Face On The Carpet.
But the nursery sorted out his developmental priorities so he's got a strategy with clear goals, performance indicators, an Action Plan and a mechanism to provide periodic review (keeping an eye on him) and feedback (a slap). One of his big goals will be Saying Words and another will be Running Without Falling Quite So Often.
It's a serious business this going to nursery. It might look like a lot of noise and larking about but it's not, it's heuristic play!