Aye, we thought we'd celebrate the new year by starting a new story seeing as we'd lost the old one in a freak computer meltdown
Anyway, it was taking too long to upload having got bigger than any dial-up account was designed for. You can still see the old Blog by clicking here.
Interesting developments though. He can now walk fully upright and say "Daddy". How cute is that? Doesn't that just tug at the heartstrings? Apart from that he's as much of a rogue as ever - full of cheek, falling down stairs whenever there's no one looking, refusing to eat cheese but making a dive for every beer bottle that he sees. Not that there's many beer bottles around our house. Honest. Well, not full ones anyway. And, I know what you're thinking - somebody should be looking - but somebody can't always be looking and the sooner he learns that the better.
He's also taken to climbing into an empty cupboard in the kitchen and pulling the doors shut on himself and just sitting there in the dark, Is that weird? Is it a sign of something?
We've also been taking him out to play in the cold. Toughen him up. You don't want him turning into one of those pansified, pasty-faced bronchial kids that can't stand a bit of a breeze and are allergic to custard or something. Here he is on a swing. Looks happy enough, doesn't he? Depressingly, he was on the roundabout with a couple of other kids of about 8 or 9 and, being a FID (cough!), I'm spinning it as fast as humanly possible and the other kids are shouting to slow down. Slow down!! What's the world coming to? Maybe they just wanted a virtual roundabout so they could sit on their lardy arses in front of a radiator playing on a Playstation.
And finally, here's some true weirdness. Climbed into the boot of his pram in his pyjamas and just lay there. What the £@$% that was about I don't know.