It was a sunny, warm and pleasant evening pootling home from work and since you don't need to pay too much attention on the quiet segregated cycle paths that cover maybe 90-95% of the distance from work in Edinburgh to the end of the Forth Road Bridge, I got to thinking about how things would change for the few miles between the end of the path on the bridge slip road and home. I thought I'd document some of my least favourite bits of the Fife end of the trip.
This is a horrible little hill when you've cycled from Edinburgh. It seems to drain the last bit of strength from the legs so it doesn't really help that you're slowing almost to walking pace (well, I am. I'm sure some people go faster) as you approach this blind bend, often with cars coming right up your back at 40+mph hoping to squeeze past before the limit drops to 30mph
I've taken to riding up that little pavement at the side (quite illegally, of course, but there's rarely anyone walking here) and hopping back onto the road at the top of the hill.