I've started this to draw together what I'm pretty sure is going to be a saga of asking Fife Council about provision for cycling around Limekilns in particular and Fife in general. I've cycled for many years on all sorts of roads but your perspective on it changes when you're no longer responsible for just yourself and become responsible for other people. I've recently started taking my daughter Ellen to nursery on her tagalong or in her trailer. It changes everything. You move more slowly. You're more of an obstacle to cars (and you're a bigger, slower target for the idiots). You can't just hop up and down pavements or nip across junctions.
Ewan is reaching the age where he should be able to cycle on roads. His first proper bike is on order. And in a few years he'll be moving up to school at Woodmill. He should have the option to cycle to school safely.
I emailed the Council.