Aye, after nearly two years of no updates, and faced with the imminent arrival of a number 2, the blog has been caught up in a tidal wave of indifference.
Terrible so it is. The novelty wears off and the wee man's blog is left to rot in the field, wither on the vine, dry up in the sunshine (that's enough - ed). I'll add the old ones and you can read back and see how much enthusiasm there was. No excuses. Lost interest. Sorry.
But we're back and not by popular demand. I mean, it's not like I've been inundated with requests for an update and some photies. No siree. Your own fault really.
Here's what the wee boy looks like. An amazing transformation in just two short years, don't you think?
But really he's a wee sweetie. Here he is with a mucky face after doing big drawings on the patio with barbecue coals. Aye, he's grand at the drawing and I'll include some fine examples of his scribblings. Like this fine creature.